Glossary entry

Finnish term or phrase:

katso sitoumus saatu

English translation:

Verification/Confirmation: Contract received

Added to glossary by FinnTrans
Feb 3, 2009 18:53
15 yrs ago
Finnish term


Finnish to English Other Insurance Pension
Hi all!
Unfortunately I have no further details to provide about this term, it is a name of an use case from a pension software program... ANy help would be appreciated, thanks for that!
Change log

Feb 9, 2009 00:43: FinnTrans Created KOG entry


Diana Takehana (asker) Feb 5, 2009:
I asked my client and I got her answer today - 'Katso' simply means the name of a system (which by the way wasn't mentioned anywhere else in the project, except in the expression in question - to make things more difficult!) Anyway, thanks a lot for your time and help folks!

Proposed translations

44 mins

Verification/Confirmation: Contract received

This term would depend on the context, but "sitoumus" is an agreement or Contract (as it is binding on the parties). "Saatu" is received or obtained. Here, most likely received. "Katso" is literally "see" or "look!", but most likely this is referring to confirmation or verification.
Example sentence:

Confirmation: Contract received

Verification: Contract received

Note from asker:
Thank you Sirpa!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

verify (validity of) commitment/contract/engagement

I can only think that this is a combination of typos. Literally, 'look commitment/contract/engagement obtained'. I would guess it might be an instance of 'tick the box if you've gotten this', or perhaps come up when someone has gone through the process and is checking details. Either way, this is a complete guess. You probably need to go back to the client on this one to be sure.
Note from asker:
Yes, I guessed so too... The word katso simply wont fit the context... I shall be contacting the client about the matter, then I'll provide a feasible explanation here. thanks!
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