Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

go back in time

Hindi translation:

अतीत में लौटना

Added to glossary by Lalit Sati

Proposed translations

17 mins

अतीत में लौटना, अतीत में झाँकना (वर्तमान संदर्भ में - अतीतावलोकन)

अतीत में लौटना, अतीत में झाँकना

हम अतीतावलोकन करते हुए उसकी गलतियों का पता लगाएँगे।
हम अतीत के पन्ने उलटते हुए उसकी गलतियों को देखेंगे।
Peer comment(s):

agree Ramesh Bhatt
2 mins
agree sukirat anand
12 mins
agree C.M. Rawal
1 hr
agree Amar Nath
6 hrs
agree satish krishna itikela
20 hrs
agree Rajan Chopra : अत्युत्तम सुझाव हैं
1 day 6 hrs
agree dhsanjeev
2 days 8 hrs
agree Maneesh Gupta
4 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
17 mins

काल-चक्र का उल्टी दिशा में घूमना/समय का उल्टी दिशा में चलना/विगत पर नज़र डालना/विगत का मनन करना

"go back in time" actually a concept of Relativity Physics--wide which it is believed (not proved) that if anything moves faster than light, it shall move back in time. For example, if you start your journey today from Earth and go to some star with a speed greater than the speed of light (300000 Kilometers per second), you can return to Earth yesterday or a month earlier than today's date. Sounds crazy, but Einstein and Company believed in it--and all our relativity physicists believe it as Muslims believe in Koran.

However, in the current context, the term has an ordinary meaning, that is just evaluating or remembering some past occasion, event, day, period, history, etc.

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16 mins

समय में पीछे जाना कर/पीछे जाना

हम समय में पीछे जाएंगे और उसकी गलतियों को देखेंगे

Note added at 19 mins (2010-09-30 09:11:49 GMT)

माहेश्वर जी, आपने जो वाक्य लिखा है उसके पहले और बाद का वाक्य और दें तो अनुवाद और साफ़ हो सकता है.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ramesh Bhatt
3 mins
haardik dhanyvaad, Rameshji
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2 hrs

बीते समय की छानबीन करके...

हम बीते समय की छानबीन करेंगे और उसकी गलतियां देखेंगे।

अतीत में झांकना by Lalit is a good alternative, except that it indicates the distant past. It would be appropriate if we had to say,

अतीत में झांककर हम पृथ्वीराज चौहान की गलतियां देखेंगे।

But if we are referring to the present time, i.e., a few days ago, or even a few hours ago, then अतीत seems a heavy word. If the near past is your context, then बीते समय is much lighter and better than अतीत.
Peer comment(s):

agree Amar Nath
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree satish krishna itikela
18 hrs
Thank you.
agree Rajan Chopra
1 day 4 hrs
Thank you.
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6 hrs

समयपथ/स्मृतिपथ प्रतिगमन

As Rameshji said, it indeed is a concept of Relativity Physics. But it is being used here as remembering something.
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