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Search results: (262 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you accept being paid less or nothing at all for repetitions? Yes but it varies a lot from one project to the other.
On the one hand, technical manuals often have
proper repetitions, which may be eligible for a
discount, for instance. On the other hand I�
Catherine De Crignis May 3, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you familiar with "post editing"? Other I have chosen not to be familiar with
Catherine De Crignis May 2, 2017
French Conseil : traduction -> langue non maternelle + réviseur On ne le dira jamais assez
Catherine De Crignis Apr 12, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you set time limits on some of your translation-related tasks? Yes Since I usually charge per source word, I convert
my PO totals into hours or days. This way I know
how I'm doing time-wise on each project. Other
reasons: not all my clients are willing
Catherine De Crignis Mar 29, 2017
French Comment devenir traducteur indépendant en 2nd activité Toujours HS Je réponds en vitesse. Je ne baisse pas la
tête, il m’arrive simplement de vaguement de
regretter de travailler si peu en France, même si
à vrai dire rien ne m’a incitée à faire
Catherine De Crignis Mar 28, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What percentage of work from your regular clients do you have to turn down? 11-25% I'd say probably about 15%. Of course on the one
hand I try to turn down as little work as poss.
from my main clients, but on the other hand I make
a point of keeping smaller (but good) c
Catherine De Crignis Mar 24, 2017
French Comment devenir traducteur indépendant en 2nd activité Remarque HS [quote]Adrien Esparron wrote: Une agence digne
de ce nom vient directement à vous « pour voir
». Les choses vont alors dans le bon sens et de
CV il n'est plus guère question. <
Catherine De Crignis Mar 23, 2017
French Comment devenir traducteur indépendant en 2nd activité Mmm Bonjour, J’imagine que par « intéressant »
vous voulez dire « adéquat ». Les réponses
données sont justes. Sachez toutefois que le
salariat et l’exercice en indépendant sont
Catherine De Crignis Mar 21, 2017
French Les prix Bof ter ! Rebonjour, J’ai bien dit instaurer, mais peu
importe. À mon avis ProZ n’a fait que rendre
plus visible une situation préexistante. Le
problème ne relève pas de l’informatiqu
Catherine De Crignis Mar 16, 2017
French Les prix Bof [quote]Helga Lemiere wrote: que fait ce site
très concrètement pour éradiquer la pratique de
ces agences, du moins sur son propre site ? Le
simple fait de payer une cotisation en tant
Catherine De Crignis Mar 16, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do when you receive a poor quality source text (e.g. grammar issues)? Other Grammatical issues are pretty much the norm when
it comes to English texts these days, as it seems.
Well, at least they're not unusual. Other = I get
on with it.
Catherine De Crignis Mar 15, 2017
French Les prix Moins extrême [quote]Claire Bourneton-Gerlach wrote: ... pour
une commande urgente: 0,07 euro la MINUTE . Ce qui
fait de l'heure, voyons voir.... 😨
[/quote] Bonjour, Vous citez un cas extrê
Catherine De Crignis Mar 14, 2017
French Les prix Ça dépend Bonjour, Il existe aussi de bonnes agences,
mais il est vrai qu’il faut bien les chercher.
Tout se mérite ! Quant aux clients directs, ce
n’est pas si simple (entre autres, car l
Catherine De Crignis Mar 8, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you sometimes wish you had a regular "9 to 5" job instead of being a freelancer? Other: (simple) no No, I never do. But I don't find it a "joke"
either to ask this question!
Catherine De Crignis Mar 7, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Does your "translator's eye" make it difficult to enjoy subtitled movies? Not a fan of dubbing either [quote]Nilton Junior wrote: I live in Brazil
and stopped going to the movies because the
nearest ones only have dubbed movies these
days. I am not a movie enthusiast, but I
Catherine De Crignis Mar 2, 2017
French Rénumération agence de traduction Mon grain de sel Tarif indiqué par Enrico : trop bas, évidemment.
Pas du tout d'accord non plus avec
Gérard. Par contre, traduire vers une langue
qui n'est pas sa langue maternelle, c'est
Catherine De Crignis Mar 2, 2017
French Traducteur Assermenté Ottiaq ? Bonjour Firoozeh, Si je comprends bien, votre
demande concerne le Canada. La distinction que
vous imaginez n'existe pas en France, mais je
doute que savoir cela vous soit utile
Catherine De Crignis Mar 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: When did you start working with your latest new client? Week before last A fellow freelancer I've known for a few years.
She had a project that was right up my alley and
the conditions were right, so there I went!
Catherine De Crignis Feb 23, 2017
French Facturer au Québec Statut Attention : ne pas confondre entreprise
individuelle et société. Il est normal que
vous deviez avoir un statut juridique pour
facturer (entreprise individuelle, a priori).
Catherine De Crignis Feb 15, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the most important aspect of working with a vendor management program? Quite! [quote]Michele Fauble wrote: A good way for
outsourcers to ensure that they will not be
working with translators whose services are in
such demand that they do not need to bother with
Catherine De Crignis Feb 14, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the most important aspect of working with a vendor management program? N/A Isn't this the wrong place to ask this question?
Or is the question worded the wrong way?
Catherine De Crignis Feb 14, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever asked another user on a date? No But some pictures are more interesting than
others. I fail to see what the point of "other"
would be. "fell like it but dared not"? Who
cares? At least this poll goes to show that the
Catherine De Crignis Feb 13, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a work-related nightmare? (please share!) LOL [quote]Ricki Farn wrote: I left my inhouse
employment due to increasing Dilbertization of the
workplace [/quote] Well, I'd say this looks
like a good reason to quit!
Catherine De Crignis Feb 9, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you noticed a slowing in demand / your workload so far this year? Thanks Christine for your insight :) Catherine De Crignis Feb 6, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you noticed a slowing in demand / your workload so far this year? to Christine Christine, Who is going to take up after you, so
to speak? Are there enough skilled translators in
your pair, do you believe? Just being
curious... Catherine
Catherine De Crignis Feb 6, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you noticed a slowing in demand / your workload so far this year? "No" but I meant "Too early to say" However, it could happen. One agency I worked for
got bought out recently. I was expecting to lose
them as a client (their eyes are stuck on rates
only) and I managed to replace them befor
Catherine De Crignis Feb 6, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the next thing you want to do as a professional translator/interpreter? To Erzsébet Have you read "Therapy" by David Lodge? If not you
could bring it with you and travel with one of
this novel's characters.
Catherine De Crignis Feb 3, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the next thing you want to do as a professional translator/interpreter? Other Get better clients. The other day I was asked by
a smallish agency client of mine how much "effort"
I could agree to for an urgent banking project. My
base rate with them is 0,10 euro (wh
Catherine De Crignis Feb 3, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you planning an early retirement? ) - ; Rather unamusing for a Friday laugh... Vaguely
hoping to be able to slow down before it's too
late. "Early retirement" was never a part of my
generation's vocabulary.
Catherine De Crignis Jan 27, 2017
French Contrat ponctuel - Aide pour les démarches Sinon... faire appel à un professionnel qualifié
exerçant légalement. Est-ce qu'on appelle son
copain qui s'y connaît un peu en soins
vétérinaires quand on a mal quelque part ?
Catherine De Crignis Jan 23, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Since I started translating, my vision has... to Chris [quote]Chris S wrote: My vision has become
increasingly dystopian [/quote] ( - ; Yes,
still thinking of what other ending to give to
Ashes, Ashes by René Barjavel and I must have
Catherine De Crignis Jan 17, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Since I started translating, my vision has... Remained the same [quote]Michael Harris wrote: In which sense,
eyesight or of the everything☺
[/quote] Quite! I'm over 40 now so my
eyesight has changed, but it's nothing to do with
work. As
Catherine De Crignis Jan 17, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you concentrate if family or other people are in your vicinity while you are working? No Of course not. How could a child understand this?
Also, working from a dining room does not help at
all explaining to a young child that the room is
an office within office hours. Is she
Catherine De Crignis Jan 16, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What would solve your biggest concern at the moment? Other But no time to share right now. Big issues don't
seem that simple. Depends how you look at them,
right? And what you believe in. Big concerns make
you wonder what your beliefs really are.
Catherine De Crignis Jan 13, 2017
French Disparition d'un fil @ Sandra Sandra, nous parlons ici d'un autre fil. Nikki a
raison à mon avis. N.B. : pour votre fil et sa
réponse manquante, pas de quoi s'alarmer, je

[Edited at 2016-12-23 07:03
Catherine De Crignis Dec 23, 2016
French Disparition d'un fil Bonjour à tous, En lisant la question de Sandra,
je me suis aperçue qu'un fil avait disparu.
Manon, je crois, à qui Sophie, Sheila et Nikki
avaient répondu, si mes souvenirs sont bons
Catherine De Crignis Dec 22, 2016
French Recherche conseils Questions Bonjour Sandra, Juste pour clarifier : ce
client vous avait-il contactée par ProZ au
départ ou aviez-vous répondu à une annonce de
sa part ici ? Est-il inscrit dans la BB (je
Catherine De Crignis Dec 22, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: My 2016 in translation has been Mostly positive But it's nothing to do with luck. I spent much of
2014 ensuring 2015 would be a good year in the
office. [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: And if
it doesn't work, I'll finish and sell thi
Catherine De Crignis Dec 16, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you help in the creation of a tool that actually eliminates the need for human translation? It ain't gonna work that way [quote]Florence LABEDE wrote: Ce type de travail
peut représenter une petite partie de son chiffre
d'affaires et, si ça l'intéresse, il peut
trouver des clients qui paieront mieux cett
Catherine De Crignis Dec 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you help in the creation of a tool that actually eliminates the need for human translation? Sure Florence but [quote]Florence LABEDE wrote: La post-édition
devrait cependant être très bien payée parce
qu'elle exige un passage d'informations très
important dans la tête du taducteur, c'est<
Catherine De Crignis Dec 14, 2016
French Travailler directement sur le serveur d'une agence Merci Bonjour à tous et un grand merci pour vos
commentaires. Lorsque j'ai travaillé brièvement
sur serveur par le passé, tout était désactivé
(grisé), impossible d'ajouter soi-même un
Catherine De Crignis Dec 13, 2016
French Travailler directement sur le serveur d'une agence Bonjour à tous, Une agence souhaiterait me
faire travailler dans un domaine spécialisé
(finance boursière). J'ai fait un test concluant
et leurs conditions sont très raisonnables.<
Catherine De Crignis Dec 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you feel pressure to maintain or raise your income in comparison with last year? No I don't feel that much pressure, because
"maintaining or raising my income in comparison
with last year" is what I've been doing since I
started off. I see it as my normal everyday
Catherine De Crignis Dec 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a translation criticized by an obviously less experienced reviewer? Thanks Jack [quote]Jack Doughty wrote: @Catherine de Crignis:
Yes, "nincompoop" is not often used nowadays. Did
you know it comes from the Latin "non compos
mentis" (not of sound mind)?

Catherine De Crignis Dec 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a translation criticized by an obviously less experienced reviewer? Quite [quote]Elizabeth Tamblin wrote: I didn't bother
to tell them about this, as I don't see it as my
job to explain English grammar to them.
[/quote] This is it. In case of agency work,
Catherine De Crignis Dec 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a translation criticized by an obviously less experienced reviewer? LOL [quote]Julian Holmes
wrote: nincompoop[/quote] Haven't heard that
one for a while and seeing it written is even
funnier ( -;
Catherine De Crignis Dec 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a translation criticized by an obviously less experienced reviewer? Yes Of course it can happen. Very unusual in my
experience. Exceptional in fact, but rather
unpleasant so it sort of sticks in your mind. I'd
say that in the vast majority of cases people play
Catherine De Crignis Dec 8, 2016
French Délai pour contestation Oui mais Je suis d'accord avec les réponses qui ont été
données et je mentionne moi-même un délai de
contestation de dix jours dans mes CGV, mais
celles-ci ne s'appliquent qu'à mes clients
Catherine De Crignis Dec 7, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What concerns you most right now about the translation business? Other I'm not overly concerned, since I can feed my
(small) family, but as Sheila said, I'd also point
out that the lack of regulation is a real issue.
French translators have refused it in the
Catherine De Crignis Dec 7, 2016
French Débuter en tant que freelance Remarques générales Bonjour, Juste quelques remarques en vrac et en
complément des réponses pertinentes de
Sheila. Il serait intéressant de savoir quelle
était la part de traduction lorsque vous étie
Catherine De Crignis Nov 22, 2016



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