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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Translation of website www.greyp.com content and user manuals (Spanish, German, Croatian, Slovak, Italian, Czech, Arabic, French)


I Do That

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

WebTeachers actual: Translation doctoral thesis (Latvian-English), Legal translations (German, English_Russian)


I Do That

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Translation of doctoral thesis from Latvian into English (Field: school pedagogic). Legal translations (Russian_English, German)


I Do That

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

We are currently working on a website localization project (translation from English to German).


I Do That

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

We are currently translating an antique car blog from English into German. We completed the translation of the clinical trial documentation from English into Latvian and the instructions for head and face protection from English into Latvian.


I Do That

Sarmite Barvika, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

WebTeachers working on game localization project (Chinese- German) and website translation (Thai-English), just started translation of Christian book (English-Creole), completed assignment of medical manual (English-Latvian).


I Do That