Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 11 eng>eng Never done tea is constantly drinking tea or spending time in the tea room pro closed no
4 Feb 11 eng>eng Never done tea has not yet brewed the tea pro closed no
- Nov 1 '23 eng>fra placeholder soul Âme en attente pro just_closed ok
- Oct 28 '23 esl>eng bloqueos blocks pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '23 esl>eng condicionada la autorización al informe favorable the authorisation is subject to a favourable report pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '23 esl>eng sabiéndome a muy poco I missed out somewhat pro closed no
4 May 9 '23 eng>eng the authority they are really preaching from the Bible, and in particular Genesis pro closed no
- Apr 30 '23 eng>fra Marked man homme marqué pro closed no
- Apr 10 '23 eng>eng From twinkle to twilight from birth to death pro closed no
4 Feb 14 '23 eng>eng do not engage with evidence do not take evidence into consideration/they ignore evidence pro closed no
- Dec 4 '22 eng>fra cheese boy gamin riche pro closed no
- Sep 5 '22 fra>eng je n'ai de permission à I require no other permission pro closed no
- Jul 17 '22 esl>eng insilio isolation/beleaguerment pro closed no
- Jun 2 '22 esl>eng un juego de espejos a game of mirrors/mirrors game pro just_closed no
- May 31 '22 esl>eng feria de rarezas oddities and curiosities (mini-) expo pro closed no
4 May 8 '22 esl>eng salida "por arriba" a way out "from above" pro closed no
- May 1 '22 esl>eng juego de dobleces game of duplicity pro closed no
- Feb 3 '22 fra>eng restitution final exhibition/presentation pro just_closed no
- Jan 10 '22 esl>eng convertir el marrón en dorado to turn lead into gold pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '21 fra>eng vous faire recevoir, getting you to receive pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '21 fra>eng orientation du Logos orientation of the Logos pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '21 eng>fra vast flights of purple oratory grandioses envolées impériales pro just_closed no
- Oct 21 '21 eng>fra vast flights of purple oratory grandioses envolées lyriques/envolées magistériales pro just_closed no
- Oct 1 '21 fra>eng un choix délicatement accordé à sa défaite a somewhat/rather fitting date pro closed no
- Oct 1 '21 deu>eng Was kostet die Welt What's the next deal? pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '21 deu>eng Schäfchen im Trockenen haben prioritises his financial security/invests well/looks after his money pro closed ok
4 Sep 17 '21 fra>eng tient du merveilleux providentiel is an astonishing tale of providence/of good fortune pro closed no
- Sep 15 '21 fra>eng nuançait de condescendance officielle l’hostilité condescended to tone down the official hostility pro closed no
- Sep 15 '21 fra>eng nuançait de condescendance officielle l’hostilité toned down the official deference to the hostility pro closed no
- Sep 14 '21 fra>eng par éblouissements successifs by successive flashes of fire pro closed no
- Sep 11 '21 fra>eng une dernière manche fut jouée par Hitler lui-même Hitler himself played the final round/played the end game pro closed no
- Sep 2 '21 fra>eng par des cris à effrayer tous les échos with menacing/raging/intimidatory shouts pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '21 esl>eng alabanzas praise pro closed ok
4 Aug 9 '21 fra>eng par le mirage de l’impossible à saisir by the mirage of the impossible pro closed no
- Jul 23 '21 fra>eng royaume de la technique techical wonderland pro just_closed no
- May 30 '21 esl>eng mi tierra my home patch pro closed ok
- May 4 '21 eng>eng anticipate and prevent thy own heart explanation below pro closed no
- May 4 '21 eng>eng trace [out] thy heart Let the fruits and benefits of meditation sink into your heart pro closed ok
- Apr 25 '21 esl>eng No sé si bien o mal, pero hablamos. we talked, for better or worse pro closed no
- Apr 23 '21 esl>eng Entre más corriente, más ambiente the cheaper the better pro closed no
NP Mar 1 '21 eng>fra second-hand (lâcher des jurons) de deuxieme main pro open no
- Jan 17 '21 esl>eng La Reparación La Reparación (don't translate) pro closed no
- Jan 14 '21 eng>fra interbreeding endogamie pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '20 esl>eng en esa que no da desde lo que sobra, sino desde not in giving from one's surplus/left overs, but from pro closed no
- Oct 12 '20 deu>eng "Auf dass es immer so bleibt, wie es ist" And they all lived happily ever after pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '20 deu>eng Erden in den Bergen mountain moments pro closed no
- Jun 3 '20 fra>eng Pas un chat Not (even) a cat in sight pro closed no
- May 7 '20 fra>eng entre deux impressions d’immensité in between two stunning/magnificent/opulent impressions (of Mahler's second symphony) pro just_closed no
- Apr 21 '20 eng>eng To keep a stiff upper lip don't be a pansey/don't be a girl's blouse pro just_closed no
- Feb 26 '20 esl>eng en español clavo nail pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered