Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators


Quality, our priority

V&P team comprises some graduates from the Ghana School of Translators and Interpreters (GIL), Lecturers and some professionals in the Translation and Interpretation fraternity.
Team language pairs 15
  • Da Portoghese a Inglese
  • Da Francese a Inglese
  • Da Tedesco a Inglese
  • Da Spagnolo a Inglese
  • Da Cinese a Inglese
  • Da Creole e Pidgin basate sul francese (altre lingue) a Creole e Pidgin basate sull'inglese (altre lingue)
  • Da Creole e Pidgin basate sul portoghese (altre lingue) a Inglese
  • Da Inglese a Francese
Team leader
Ruth Mawusi Ayivie is a certified professional french trained teacher and a professional translator. She has taught french for over 8 years. She is currently the CEO of Versions and Pages where they provide translation,interpreting and foreign language teaching services in French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Chinese, Twi and Ga. She believes in team work and does not compromise on quality when it comes to work. Her working language pair is French-English and Portuguese-English.